30 November 2014 – Pendas Fields, Crossgates – Race 1
1st win for Joe Baxter & 3rd for Rachel Pilling
Charlie’s Report:
It’s a tossup whether the Peco or WYXC leagues carry more cachet in the local cross country fraternity, but the Peco is certainly more popular. This first race in a 5 race series attracted 420 men, 278 ladies and a smattering of juniors.
It’s 8 to count for the men & 5 for the ladies, which is tricky for a smallish club like ours, but Rachel Pilling is staunchly marshalling the troops, & year on year our numbers are on the up.
Before the race, we duly gathered around the P & B flag, firmly planted in the East Leeds soil, and offered up our prayers to the cross country gods.
In the senior men, Joe Baxter had obviously been to all the right sermons as he trotted round to claim a tremendous overall victory, his first in maroon & gold, with surely more to come once we wrestle that pesky headband from him. Colin Walker not far behind in 11th, another great run considering he cycles absolutely everywhere, including to all races, no matter how far away. Graham Pilling next in, then me and then Steve Woods. So 5 out of 8 not bad, but can we make it 8 next time?
In the senior ladies, another top run, Rachel taking a break from her admin duties to place a brilliant third overall. No more ladies though I’m afraid, so come on, as Delia Smith once said………. & I’m paraphrasing ever so slightly………… ‘This is a message for possibly the best cross country team in the world. We need a 2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th women. Where are you? Where are you?”!’
No Juniors results out as yet, but there were rumours a P & B nipper was spotted, so we will just have to wait for the website update to identify them…

Joe leading the race; Colin not far behind – Photos by Philip Bland
Rachel’s Report:
Race 1 took place at Pendas Fields, Crossgates. It initially looked like a slightly uninteresting course, but was made much more fun by the thick mud that lay on the ground. In contrast to the multi-lap West Yorkshire XC, they managed to work out a one lap course that zigzagged over fields and tracks and through woodland and to the horror of many participants also included a water jump (a foot wide brook)!!
The results as always were positive and 5 men out is a significant improvement on last year. We just need to get the magic 8 out for the men and a couple more ladies.
It was also great to see Natasha out for the juniors, but would be even better to see a few more out to keep her company.
Men’s results: Joe Baxter 1st, Colin Walker 11th (3rd V40), Graham Pilling 97th, Charlie McIntosh 107th & Steve Woods 138th.
Ladies: Rachel Pilling 3rd.
Juniors: Natasha Robinson 13th.