A trip across the Pennines to friends for the evening luckily coincided with the Windy Hill Fell Race.
I was keen to have a go as it’s one I’ve not done before but know the area reasonably well.
Rachel was very happy to be deposited in the van in the nearest car park as it actually had both toilets and a cafe.
Don’t believe the ROs description of the 5 minute walk to race HQ though.
Storm Ciara was on her way but didn’t bother us really as bar a bit of a chilly wind it was good going all the way.
The long drag up the Roman road being more than made up for in the then equally long descent back down from Blackstone edge.
Smashing pint of Marstons Session IPA along with pie and pies sorted out the apre-race refuel.
New boy Paul Pruzina having a brilliant first run out to claim 1st place and I managed to bag a small rucksack of unusual goodies.
Any offers for some luminous yellow socks or a 4 pack of silicon travel cups?

Paul Pruzina 1st 57:41. Charlie McIntosh 13th (1st V50) 1:06:16. (FULL RESULTS)
Photos c/o Woodentops – thanks as always